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Google drops MSRP of the Pixel Slate and throws in the Pen and keyboard    Chrome Unboxed The Google Pixel Slate tablet includes a keyboard and pen for $599    The Verge Google's Pixel Slate tablet now starts at $499 ($300 off), includes free pen and keyboard    Android Police Google Store discounts Pixel Slate between $300 and $700, includes keyboard and pen    About Chromebooks View Full Coverage on Google News from Technology - Latest - Google News via Technology

The Long Dark Developer Asks Nvidia to Take Game Off GeForce Now, Saying Company Didn't Ask Permission to Host It on Their Service - IGN - IGN

The Long Dark Developer Asks Nvidia to Take Game Off GeForce Now, Saying Company Didn't Ask Permission to Host It on Their Service - IGN    IGN How To Compare Games With And Without Ray Tracing With Your Current Hardware    Forbes Developer Says Nvidia Didn't Get Permission to Have Their Game on GeForce NOW View Full Coverage on Google News from Technology - Latest - Google News via Technology

Mike Bloomberg addresses US in TV ad on coronavirus and Trump response

Purchase of prime time slots for pseudo-presidential address draws taunting tweets from man in the real Oval Office * Pence defends Trump Jr claim Democrats want ‘millions’ to dieMike Bloomberg has bought three minutes of primetime TV on Sunday night, in order to address the US about the coronavirus outbreak and Donald Trump’s response.News of the billionaire former New York mayor’s latest campaign advertising outlay, reckoned to be between $1.25m and $3m, was followed by a pair of tweets from the White House.“Mini Mike Bloomberg’s consultants and so-called ‘advisors’ (how did that advice work out? Don’t ask!), are on the ‘gravy train’,” Trump wrote, “all making a fortune for themselves pushing Mini hard, when they knew he never had what it takes.“Don’t pay them anymore Mike, they led you down a very dark and lonely path! Your reputation will never be the same!”Reportedly impressed, if not cowed, by Bloomberg’s personal fortune of around $60bn, Trump was initially said to have urged ai

Wife of first US service member to test positive for the coronavirus has also been infected

The soldier's wife, who tested positive Saturday, and their baby have been moved to an isolation unit at a military hospital. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Mike Pence calls Donald Trump Jr.'s inflammatory coronavirus comments an 'understandable' response

When pushed by CNN's Jake Tapper on Sunday, Vice President Mike Pence didn't directly refute some inflammatory comments about the coronavirus previously made by Donald Trump Jr.Trump Jr. said Friday that Democrats seemingly "hope" the virus comes to the United States and "kills millions of people" so they could bring down President Trump. Tapper played the clip for Pence and asked him if he believed anyone -- Democrat or Republican -- actively wanted the virus to spread and harm Americans. Pence, who is charge of the American response to the coronavirus, didn't outright agree with Trump Jr., but he did say there was some harsh rhetoric being tossed around, and he thinks the younger Trump was mainly arguing that the outbreak shouldn't be politicized."Responding to the kind of things that have been hurled is understandable," Pence said, before adding that he was setting politics aside to "work the problem." > On CNN, Mike Pence n

Super Tuesday polls: Bernie's edge, Biden's bounce and Bloomberg's debut

Sanders is poised to rebound from a distant second-place finish in South Carolina, according to surveys released over the weekend. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Man whose son was found encased in cement sentenced to 72 years in prison

A Colorado man whose seven-year-old son was repeatedly abused before being found encased in concrete in a Denver storage unit has been sentenced to 72 years in prison for the death.Leland Pankey received the sentence on Friday, with one count of child abuse landing him 48 years in prison and 24 years for tampering with the body. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

South Koreans told to stay home as coronavirus infections surpass 3,100

South Korea urged citizens on Saturday to stay indoors as it warned of a "critical moment" in its battle on the coronavirus after recording the biggest daily jump in infections, as 813 new cases took the tally to 3,150. South Korea is grappling with the largest outbreak of the virus outside China, as a new death took the toll to 17, amid a record daily increase in infections since the country confirmed its first patient on Jan. 20. It was a "critical moment" in reining in the spread of the virus, he said, adding, "Please stay at home and refrain from going outside and minimize contact with other people." from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Lady Gaga’s father won’t pay restaurant rent, citing homelessness as issue for business

Lady Gaga's father is refusing to pay $260,000 in rent and fees for his restaurant at New York City's Grand Central Terminal, saying the homeless population is hurting his business. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Trump announces coronavirus travel restrictions and screenings

President said the person who died was a "wonderful woman" and "a medically high-risk patient in her late fifties." from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Dominican Republic, France report Caribbean virus cases

Health officials in the Dominican Republic and France on Sunday reported the first confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in the tourist-rich Caribbean, while British cruise ship passengers who had been trapped at sea due to virus fears were finally set to come home. Dominican Public Health Minister Rafael Sánchez Cárdenas said a 62-year-old Italian man had arrived in the country on Feb. 22 without showing symptoms. France, meanwhile, reported a case on the Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, the first in one of France's overseas territories. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

South Carolina primary results in full – county by county

Get the results in the crucial early voting state * South Carolina Democrats vote as Biden looks for win to boost flagging campaign * Help us cover the critical issues of 2020. Consider making a contributionSouth Carolina is the first state in the deep south to cast its vote in the primary race, where African American voters form a majority of the electorate. Democrats and Republicans will be voting, but because Donald Trump faces no serious opposition, all eyes will be on the Democratic contest.default What is a primary?The primaries and caucuses are a series of contests, in all 50 US states plus Washington DC and US territories, by which the party selects its presidential nominee. Most US states hold primary elections, in which voters go to a polling place, mail in their ballots or otherwise vote remotely. A handful of states hold caucuses – complicated, hours-long meetings, which continue until one candidate emerges as victor. And the process is different for Democrats and Republica

Coronavirus: Mike Pence admits US could see more deaths, after Trump calls crisis a ‘hoax’

Mike Pence has admitted that the United States could see more deaths from the coronavirus.Speaking on CNN’s State of the Union the vice-president, who has been put in charge of administration efforts to protect Americans from the deadly virus, acknowledged there could be more “sad news”, but insisted the risk to most people was still low. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Malaysia and India aim to repair soured ties that hit palm trade

Malaysia and India will work on improving ties that soured under former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad and badly affected palm oil trade between the countries, officials from both nations said on Sunday. India is the world's biggest palm oil importer but its purchases from Malaysia, the second-biggest palm exporter behind Indonesia, dropped drastically in recent months after attacks on India's policies by Mahathir. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Pete Buttigieg will not quit Democratic race despite Joe Biden surge

* Moderate finishes distant fourth in South Carolina * Former VP is clear leader in moderate challenge to SandersPete Buttigieg will not drop out of the race to be the Democratic presidential nominee, despite finishing well behind Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders in the South Carolina primary on Saturday.“Every day we are in this campaign is a day that we have reached the conclusion that pushing forward is the best thing we can do for the country and for the party,” he insisted on NBC’s Meet the Press.The South Carolina result firmly established Biden as the frontrunner for the centrist wing of the Democratic party, which is attempting to fend off Vermont senator Sanders, a self-declared socialist, heading into the key Super Tuesday contests next week.The billionaire Tom Steyer, who had the third most support in South Carolina with 11%, dropped out on Saturday night. Buttigieg had an even worse performance, getting 8% of the vote to Biden’s 48% and Sanders’ 20%.Some observers and party fig

New coronavirus case confirmed at Tenerife hotel on lockdown

An Italian national staying at a hotel in Tenerife which has been placed on lockdown after four cases of the coronavirus were detected has tested positive for the virus, regional health authorities confirmed on Saturday. The Italian national, part of the same group as the four original cases at the H10 Costa Adeje Palace Hotel, has been in isolation in a hotel room since Feb. 24 and will be taken to hospital, the Canary Islands' regional health authorities said, adding the Italian was "in good state of health". It brings the total number of active cases in the Canary Islands to six - five in Tenerife and one in La Gomera. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Nike closed its worldwide headquarters in Oregon for deep-cleaning after the 1st US coronavirus death

"While we have no information indicating any exposure to Nike employees, out of an abundance of caution, we are conducting a deep cleaning of campus." from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Has the coronavirus outbreak entered a dire phase? 'Boom' of US cases 'should be expected'

A Seattle scientist estimates that a "few hundred" residents of Washington state alone may already have been infected with the deadly new coronavirus. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Confidence seems to be waning for candidates other than Biden and Sanders after South Carolina

Former Vice President Joe Biden's big win in Saturday's South Carolina primary might make it seem like the Democratic presidential primary has become a two-person race, but the other remaining candidates — aside from billionaire Tom Steyer — are still in the race. But they're not sounding quite so confident anymore.Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who finished fourth in South Carolina with just over 8 percent of the vote (including only 3 percent support among black voters), told NBC's Chuck Todd on Sunday that he's "assessing" his candidacy "at every turn."South Carolina's fifth-place Sen. Elizabeth Warren is also sticking around, but she did admit Saturday evening that the results of the first four caucuses and primaries weren't part of her plan.> Sen. Elizabeth Warren: "I will be the first to say that the first four contests haven't gone exactly as I'd hoped."> > —

Buttigieg at crossroads after poor finish in South Carolina

The window is closing for Pete Buttigieg's longshot presidential campaign. Now he heads into Super Tuesday without momentum and scraping for money against other candidates who have both. "I think he’s going to have to make a decision pretty soon," said David Axelrod, former senior adviser to President Barack Obama. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News