
Here are the six startups in Betaworks’ new Audiocamp - TechCrunch

Here are the six startups in Betaworks’ new Audiocamp    TechCrunch from Technology - Latest - Google News via Technology

Mitsubishi is in hot water over diesel cheating in Germany, report says - Roadshow

The Frankfurt prosecutor's office is investigating possible use of defeat devices as well as fraud. from CNET via Mobiles

This iPhone case doubles as a stun gun - CNET

The case is compatible with the iPhone X and XS. from CNET via Mobiles

Business News Update BBC

Toy sales fall by 6% for the second year in a row with politics blamed for the slump. from BBC News - Business via Online Shopping

Iran acknowledges Russian-made missiles targeted Ukraine jet

Iran acknowledged on Tuesday that its armed forces fired two Russian anti-aircraft missiles at a Ukrainian jetliner that crashed after taking off from Tehran's main airport earlier this month, killing all 176 people on board. For days after the Jan. 8 shootdown, Iran denied that it fired missiles at the plane, initially blaming a technical malfunction and engine fire for the crash. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Trump impeachment news – live: President begins global summit by raging about Senate trial, as Schiff warns proposed rules will lead to rigged result

Donald Trump has again labelled his Senate impeachment trial a “witch hunt” and a “hoax” from the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, before addressing the business summit with a blustering, hyperbolic speech laying out his supposed economic and environmental achievements.Proceedings in the upper chamber of Congress will begin in earnest on Tuesday after the president was charged with abuse of power and obstruction by the House of Representatives, with today’s session set to see heated debate over majority leader Mitch McConnell’s proposals for a compressed format, already labelled the basis for nothing more than a “rigged trial” by House Intelligence Committee chair Adam Schiff. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

China confirmed that the deadly Wuhan virus sweeping the country can spread from human to human, increasing the risk of an epidemic

The spread could accelerate as hundreds of millions of people travel home for Lunar New Year this week. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Supreme Court rejects fast-track review of health care suit

The Supreme Court refused Tuesday to consider a fast-track review of a lawsuit that threatens the Obama-era health care law, making it highly unlikely that the justices would decide the case before the 2020 election. The court denied a request by 20 mainly Democratic states and the Democratic-led House of Representatives to decide quickly on a lower-court ruling that declared part of the statute unconstitutional and cast a cloud over the rest. Defenders of the Affordable Care Act argued that the issues raised by the case are too important to let the litigation drag on for months or years in lower courts, and that the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans erred when it struck down the health law's now toothless requirement that Americans have health insurance. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Biden selfie with elevator operator goes viral after 2020 candidate fails to secure New York Times endorsement

A clip of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden taking a selfie with an elevator operator has gone viral after the former vice president failed to secure an endorsement from The New York Times.The exchange was captured on camera when Mr Biden was on his way to meet the Times’ editorial board as part of a series of interviews with Democratic 2020 election candidates. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

AOC Compares Baltimore Riots to Peaceful Richmond Gun-Rights Demonstration

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) on Monday contrasted the annual gun rights rally in Richmond, Va. with the riots after the death of Baltimore resident Freddie Gray and protests following the killing of Eric Garner by New York police."When we go out and march for the dignity…of the lives of people like Freddie Gray and Eric Garner, the whole place is surrounded by police in riot gear without a gun in sight [among protesters]," Ocasio-Cortez said at a Monday event. "And here are all of these people [in Richmond], flying Confederate flags with semiautomatic weapons, and there are almost no police officers at that protest."Following the death of Freddie Gray in the back of a police van in Baltimore in 2015, the city saw riots so extensive that Governor Larry Hogan declared a state of emergency, while national-guard units deployed to quell the violence. While the officers who arrested Gray were initially charged with murder, all charges were eventually

Russia's defence chief: diehard loyalist in Putin shadow

Russia's long-serving Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, who held on to his post in a cabinet shake-up on Tuesday, is a close ally of President Vladimir Putin who shares his taste for macho stunts. Shoigu, 57, comes from the remote Siberian Tuva region close to the border with Mongolia, and is one of the few representatives of Russia's ethnic minorities in top politics. A construction engineer by training, he took a traditional route into Soviet politics, first working in construction organisations, then becoming a Communist Party official, following in the footsteps of his father. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

The real problem with McConnell's impeachment rules

The principle behind guaranteeing a speedy trial is that the accused, then presumed innocent, should not endlessly languish behind bars for a crime he perhaps did not commit. But those ignorant of the concept might be forgiven if, first introduced to it via the rules proposed by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for President Trump's impeachment trial, they came away convinced it meant the proceedings must be done at double time, charging toward a verdict even if it requires marching straight through the night.McConnell's proposed rules, to be voted on after amendments and debate Tuesday evening, have two chief features, of which the compressed timeline is but one. His dictate that each side — the House impeachment managers and the president's defense team — will have 24 total hours, to be used within three calendar days (up from the initially suggested two), to present their respective cases has won him the title "Midnight Mitch" as well as accusatio

S. Korea naval unit to expand operations to Strait of Hormuz

A South Korean anti-piracy unit has temporarily expanded its mission to the Strait of Hormuz, a vital global oil route at the center of soaring tensions between Iran and the United States. South Korea’s Defense Ministry announced the expansion Tuesday, saying it was meant to help ensure the safe passage of South Korean vessels and nationals through the waterway. South Korea has conducted anti-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden since 2009 and is expanding to the strait that connects the Gulf of Oman and Persian Gulf. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Virginia: thousands of armed protesters rally against gun control bills

Guns rights activists gathered at crowded but calm event in response to strict laws pledged by state’s DemocratsTens of thousands of gun rights activists, many of them armed, gathered in Virginia’s capital on Monday as the governor declared a state of emergency ahead of a protest against strict new gun control laws pledged by the state’s freshly elected Democratic majority government.Chanting “We will not comply”, gun rights activists packed the street in front of the Virginia’s state house, where the governor, Ralph Northam, had temporarily banned anyone from carrying firearms. On the streets outside, though, some protesters carried rifles and wore full tactical gear. One protester estimated that as many as 70% of the crowd was armed, most of them more discreetly, with concealed handguns. Police estimated that 22,000 people attended the rally, most of them in the streets outside the state house, where guns were allowed.Virginia’s politicians had braced for potential violence at the st

Arizona mother admits killing her 3 children, police say

Officials described the mother, who was not identified, as a 22-year-old woman who recently moved to Arizona from Oklahoma. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Zimbabwe Opposition Vows Rolling Protests Over Economy

(Bloomberg) -- Sign up to our Next Africa newsletter and follow Bloomberg Africa on TwitterZimbabwe’s opposition Movement for Democratic Change will hold a series of demonstrations this year over the government’s failure to address the deteriorating economy.The southern African nation had the continent’s fastest-shrinking economy last year, after Libya, and its annual inflation rate was outpaced globally only by Venezuela, International Monetary Fund estimates show. Zimbabwe is grappling with shortages of food, fuel and foreign-exchange, while its inability to pay for adequate electricity imports and breakdowns at power plants have led to outages of as long as 18 hours a day.“This year is going to be a year of demonstrations and action,” MDC leader Nelson Chamisa told party supporters in the capital, while outlining their plans for this year.” This year it must be known that demonstrations are coming. It is time to fight for Zimbabwe we all want and have been dreaming of.”Previous prot

Iran MP: $3 million reward for 'whoever kills Trump': ISNA

An Iranian lawmaker offered a $3 million reward to anyone who killed President Trump and said Iran could avoid threats if it had nuclear arms, ISNA news agency reported on Tuesday amid Tehran's latest standoff with Washington. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Iran says Zarif not attending Davos as its organizers 'changed its agenda'

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will not attend the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos this week because its organizers had "abruptly changed its agenda", its foreign ministry spokesman said on Monday. Reuters last week reported that Zarif was no longer on the list of nearly 3,000 people due at the event, which is being held under the banner "Stakeholders for a Sustainable and Cohesive World". from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Team Biden’s Been Prepping for Impeachment Smears for Months

As former Vice President Joe Biden prepares for his and his family’s reputation to be dragged across the floor of the Senate, the chamber where he spent the bulk of his career, his campaign has made only minor tweaks to the plan to defend him. While the stage is bigger given the smears from the White House will be part of only the third impeachment trial in U.S. history, most of the campaign’s disinformation infrastructure and messaging is already in place, with a few exceptions.On Tuesday, Biden’s campaign is rolling out a new digital video, first obtained by The Daily Beast, seeking to synthesize factual information into a conversational clip, titled, “What Really Happened in Ukraine.” For months, Team Trump and Hill Republicans have sought to cast Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, as an unscrupulous individual engaging in nefarious activity in Ukraine. The nearly four-and-a-half minute slot, narrated by the Biden campaign’s rapid response director, Andrew Bates, walks through a historical

Google Stadia 2020 plans, newest games and everything else we know - CNET

Google Stadia 2020 plans, newest games and everything else we know    CNET We’re giving away a Google Stadia Buddy Pass    Chrome Unboxed Google is giving free $130 Stadia gaming kits to new Verizon Fios subscribers    The Verge Google and Verizon partner on free Stadia for Fios customers    9to5Google How to manage (or cancel) your Google Stadia Pro subscription    Android Central View full coverage on Google News from Technology - Latest - Google News via Technology