
Pakistan reimposes ban on Islamist charities linked to militant leader

Pakistan has re-instated a ban on two charities linked to the founder of an Islamist militant group that has carried out attacks in India, the interior ministry said on Friday. The ban comes as Pakistan faces international pressure to act against militant groups, amid escalating tension with its nuclear-armed neighbor, India, following a suicide bomb attack on Indian police in the disputed region of Kashmir. The attack, in which 40 Indian paramilitary troops were killed, was claimed by the Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) militant group. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Robert Kraft 'categorically' denies soliciting sex at spa after police said he was filmed twice in the act

New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft has “categorically” denied soliciting sex at a spa in Florida after police said he was filmed doing so twice. Mr Kraft, 77, faces two counts of soliciting sex from a prostitute. The billionaire is one of two dozen men who were arrested for allegedly paying $59 (£45) for a half-hour and $79 (£60) for an hour of sex at Orchids of Asia Day Spa in Jupiter, Florida. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Vietnam announces traffic ban for possible Kim Jong Un summit arrival route

Vietnam has been preparing for Kim to arrive by train for the Feb. 27-28 summit in Hanoi, two sources with direct knowledge of security and logistics planning told Reuters on Wednesday. Kim's train will stop at the border station of Dong Dang where he will disembark and proceed 170 km (105 miles) to Hanoi by car, the sources said. Traffic on that route will be partially banned from 7 p.m. on Feb. 25 and fully banned from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Feb. 26, the ruling Communist Party's Nhan Dan paper reported, citing the Directorate for Roads of Vietnam. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Fiery Skirmishes Erupt as Guaido Tries to Bring Venezuela Aid

On the border with Colombia, National Guard soldiers fired volleys of tear gas and plastic pellets at supporters of opposition leader Juan Guaido, who were trying to persuade them to defect and permit tons of food and medicine into the country. Masked paramilitary gangs supporting the autocrat Maduro tore through the area there on motorcycles, firing guns in the air. Maduro said on state television that his forces had managed to repel an invasion and said he was breaking off diplomatic relations with Colombia. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Girl banned from wearing MAGA hat claims school is violating her First Amendment rights

A California high school student who was banned from wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat on campus is challenging her school district for impinging on her First Amendment rights. Maddie Mueller, who attends Clovis North High School in Fresno, is a member of Valley Patriots. The conservative activist group asked its affiliates to wear the well-known hat bearing Donald Trump's campaign motto on Wednesday. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Southwest Airlines flights temporarily grounded due to computer outage

Southwest temporarily grounded flights early Friday due to a computer glitch. The airline has been plagued by flight cancellations this week. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

The Latest: Sex abuse victims speak of lost childhoods

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The Latest on the sex abuse prevention summit at the Vatican (all times local): from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Decision time, not extra time, EU Brexit negotiator says

Brexit talks now require a "decision" rather than going into "extra time", the EU's chief negotiator Michel Barnier said Friday as the clock runs down on March 29 when Britain is set to leave the block, with or without an exit deal. Brussels however appears open to adopting a more ambitious political declaration that would set a roadmap for negotiating close EU-UK trade ties during a transition period after March 29. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Sen. Feinstein debates children over climate change

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a group of San Francisco Bay Area students squared off over climate change in a sometimes tense exchange captured on video and widely shared on social media. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Cargo jet with three on board crashes near Houston airport

A Boeing 767 cargo jetliner heading to Houston with three people aboard disintegrated after crashing Saturday into a bay east of the city, according to a Texas sheriff. Witnesses told emergency personnel that the twin-engine plane "went in nose first," leaving a debris field three-quarters of a mile long in Trinity Bay, Chambers County Sheriff Brian Hawthorne said. "It's probably a crash that nobody would survive," he said, referring to the scene as "total devastation." Witnesses said they heard the plane's engines surging and that the craft turned sharply before falling into a nosedive, Hawthorne said. Aerial footage shows emergency personnel walking along a spit of marshland flecked by debris that extends into the water. The remnants of the jet The sheriff said recovering pieces of the plane, its black box containing flight data records and any remains of the people on board will be difficult in muddy marshland that extends to about 5 feet deep i

Truckloads of civilians leave Islamic State enclave in Syria

Trucks loaded with civilians left the last Islamic State enclave in eastern Syria on Friday, as U.S.-backed forces waited to inflict final defeat on the surrounded jihadists. Reporters near the front line at Baghouz saw dozens of trucks driving out with civilians inside them, but it was not clear if more remained in the tiny pocket. The village is all that remains for Islamic State in the Euphrates valley region that became its final populated stronghold in Iraq and Syria after it lost the major cities of Mosul and Raqqa in 2017. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Venezuela crisis: Maduro closes border with Brazil amid escalating tension with US over foreign aid

Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has closed the nation’s border with Brazil, amid an escalating standoff over allowing aid from the US to enter the country. In a televised address from the nation’s largest military base, Mr Maduro said he was also considering shuttering the border with neighbouring Colombia, two days before the opposition has vowed to move aid from the US and other nations inside Venezuela. “I don’t want to take any decision of this type but I am evaluating it, a total closure of the border with Colombia,” he said. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Donald Trump: Russian Asset?

‘I  think it’s possible” that President Donald Trump is a Russian asset, disgraced former FBI acting director Andrew McCabe told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Tuesday. McCabe also said to The Atlantic that FBI brass felt “concern about the president and whether or not he posed a national-security threat that we should be investigating.”On Wednesday, Russian president Vladimir Putin addressed the Federal Assembly in Moscow. “Let me be loud and clear,” he told lawmakers near the Kremlin. “If the U.S. really is going to deploy missiles on the European continent, it will exacerbate the international situation and create a genuine danger for Russia, as there will be missiles with a 10–12-minute flight time to Moscow.” Putin lamented America’s February 1 withdrawal from the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces treaty and added: “We are ready for disarmament talks, but we are no longer going to knock on a closed door.”McCabe’s bizarre comments perfectly echo the Trump-hating Left’s exhausted yet

Colombia demolishes drug kingpin Pablo Escobar's former home

Colombia has demolished an infamous apartment building which was once home to Pablo Escobar after concerns it had become a tourist destination. Rough cut (no reporter narration). from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Sen. Warren: US needs to address 'ugly history of racism'

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who said earlier this week that she supports reparations for black Americans who have been affected by slavery, told reporters Friday that the nation needs to confront its "ugly history of racism" and "talk about the right way to address it and make change." from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

North Korea faces food crisis ahead of landmark summit

North Korea has warned that it is facing a food shortfall of some 1.4 million tonnes this year, forcing the regime to almost halve rations.  An undated two-page memo from the North Korean mission to the United Nations, seen by Reuters, blames the shortages of rice, wheat, potatoes and soy beans on soaring temperatures, drought and floods that damaged crops last year.  The release of the document comes just a week before a landmark summit in Vietnam between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump, the US president, during which the North Korean leader will seek an easing of US-led international sanctions that are slowing his country’s economic development.  The harsh sanctions were imposed to pressure the North Koreans to dismantle their nuclear and ballistic missiles programmes and Washington believes that insufficient progress has been made to allow financial penalties to be lifted.  While frequent natural disasters have contributed to long-term food insecurity in the pariah regime, so too have

Victims testify at child sex abuse conference

Francis convened Catholic leaders from around the world for the four-day meeting to address the scandal that has ravaged the Church's credibility in the United States - where it has paid billions of dollars in settlements - Ireland, Chile, Australia, and elsewhere over the last three decades. "Faced with the scourge of sexual abuse committed by men of the Church against minors, I wanted to reach out to you," Francis told the assembled bishops and heads of religious orders. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Venezuela: at least four dead and hundreds injured in border standoff

At least four people have been killed and hundreds injured in a wave of violence that convulsed Venezuela’s border regions on Saturday, as opposition activists tried to defy a government ban and bring food and medical supplies into the country. After the failed attempt to breach government blockades, opposition leader Juan Guaidó declared the fight would continue, and said “we must keep all our options open for the liberation of our homeland”. Florida senator Marco Rubio responded to Guaidó’s comments, saying he had spoken to regional leaders and the actions of President Nicolás Maduro’s regime on Saturday had “opened the door to various potential multilateral actions not on the table just 24 hours ago”. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

2020 Vision: Bernie Sanders launches, like a rocket

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders jumps into the race, raises $6 million and immediately mixes it up with the president. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Schools turning snow days into online learning

It's always a tough call to cancel classes in the face of inclement weather. However, some schools are beginning to practice online learning to ensure students are not behind on their education. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News