
Business News Update BBC

For years, the assumption has been that most Americans are anti-tax, but are attitudes changing? from BBC News - Business via Online Shopping

Sean Hannity Goes Off on Mick Mulvaney: ‘I Just Think He’s Dumb’

It seemed at least conceivable that Mick Mulvaney might be in danger of losing his dual roles as OMB director and “acting” White House chief of staff following a disastrous press conference on Thursday, during which he admitted the Trump administration held up aide for Ukraine in exchange for political help for President Trump. To those who may be concerned about the “quid pro quo,” Mulvaney advised them to “get over it.” But that danger grew far more real after Fox News host Sean Hannity threw Mulvaney under the bus and then drove over him on his afternoon radio show. “What is Mulvaney even talking about?” Hannity wondered aloud. “I just think he's dumb, I really do. I don't even think he knows what he's talking about. That's my take on it.” After spending a few minutes ranting against “cowardly” Adam Schiff, Hannity continued going after Trump’s chief of staff. “I guess the truth is complicated,” he said. “This is what, you know—this is why, I think, some of these peo

Senate Republicans reject effort to condemn Trump's Syria withdrawal

Senate Republicans on Thursday rejected an effort to condemn the Trump administration's decision to pull troops out of Syria, despite the House's overwhelming vote in support of the measure this week. "History will show that the country, the Senate and even the senator from Kentucky will regret blocking the resolution," Schumer fumed after the episode. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

‘Mulvaney needs to learn when to stop talking’: Mick on thin ice after bungled briefing

Mick Mulvaney is on wobbly ground at the White House after the acting chief of staff’s startling news conference, with aides around President Donald Trump waiting for their boss to digest the fallout from his top aide’s bungled explanation of the Ukraine controversy. Mulvaney is already taking heat from the president’s confidantes, lawyers and GOP lawmakers who were stunned by the performance. White House aides and allies expect the president to reach his own conclusions about Mulvaney later on Friday or in the coming days, as he spends time scanning newspaper headlines, catching up on cable shows and making calls to outside advisers, lawyers and Republican lawmakers. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

What Hunter Biden did on the board of Ukrainian energy company Burisma

During his time on the board of one of Ukraine’s largest natural gas companies, Hunter Biden, the son of former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden, was regarded as a helpful non-executive director with a powerful name, according to people familiar with Biden’s role at the company. Biden’s role at Burisma Holdings Ltd has come under intense scrutiny following unsupported accusations by U.S. President Donald Trump that Joe Biden improperly tried to help his son’s business interests in Ukraine. Interviews with more than a dozen people, including executives and former prosecutors in Ukraine, paint a picture of a director who provided advice on legal issues, corporate finance and strategy during a five-year term on the board, which ended in April of this year. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Intense gunfight breaks out as cartel force police to drop arrest of drug lord ‘El Chapo’s’ son

Intense fighting broke out between heavily armed fighters and security forces in the capital of Mexico‘s Sinaloa state after the National Guard located one of Joaquin “El Chapo“ Guzman’s sons, who is wanted in the US on drug trafficking charges.Mexican security secretary Alfonso Durazo said 30 members of the National Guard militarised police and army were patrolling in Culiacan when they were fired on from a house. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

38 people cited for violations in Clinton email probe

The State Department has completed its internal investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of private email and found violations by 38 people, some of whom may face disciplinary action. The investigation, launched more than three years ago, determined that those 38 people were "culpable" in 91 cases of sending classified information that ended up in Clinton's personal email, according to a letter sent to Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley this week. The 38 are current and former State Department officials but were not identified. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Trump's former personal lawyer says Rudy Giuliani has 'gone off the rails,' has a secret Ukraine ledger

Jay Goldberg, President Trump's personal lawyer for 15 years, told MSNBC's Ari Melber on Thursday night that he warned Trump not to hire his current personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani."I think he's gone off the rails," Goldberg said of Giuliani, now being scrutinized by federal prosecutors in Manhattan for his work in Ukraine. "I think he will have legal liability." When Trump asked him last March if he should retain Giuliani's legal services, "I said despite his background, which as extraordinarily good, Giuliani would not make a good defense-type lawyer," Goldberg said, because "he had spent too much time as a prosecutor; prosecutors can generally go outside the line and there's nobody to correct them." He added that he thinks "Giuliani has been seduced by Mar-a-Lago, the lifestyle.""Does Rudy Giuliani have any evidence or records that could resolve what he was doing with Ukraine?" Melber asked, and Goldberg

Man charged with murders of two Alaska Native women

A digital camera card containing videos of a man beating and strangling a woman in a hotel room led to the arrest of an immigrant from South Africa charged with murders of two Alaska Native women who had gone missing, authorities said on Thursday. In each case, the victims' remains were found dumped in wooded outskirts of Anchorage, Alaska's largest city. The suspect, Brian Steven Smith, 48, has confessed to both slayings to police, according to a bail memorandum filed by prosecutors on Thursday. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

MoviePass is reportedly still charging customers - CNET

The defunct movie service charged some customers twice more after going under, a report says. from CNET via Mobiles

J.J. Abrams 'not screwing around' with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ending - CNET

Director promises film will feature a "meaningful" ending to the nine-movie saga. from CNET via Mobiles

Vatican's wearable rosary gets fix for app flaw allowing easy hacks - CNET

Are you there, God? It’s me, a serious security flaw. from CNET via Mobiles

Joe Biden digs at Elizabeth Warren after debate: Polls don't show 'anybody else as a frontrunner'

"You know, I haven't seen any polling showing that nationally, on average, that anybody else is a front-runner," Joe Biden said. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

U.S. Supreme Court to hear Trump appeal over rapid deportation dispute

The U.S. Supreme Court stepped into a new immigration dispute on Friday, agreeing to hear an appeal by President Donald Trump's administration of a lower court ruling that could frustrate a top priority of his: quickly deporting illegal immigrants. The justices agreed to review a ruling by the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that favored a Sri Lankan asylum seeker. The 9th Circuit found that a federal law that largely stripped the power of courts to review quick deportations - known as expedited removal - violated in his case a provision of the U.S. Constitution called the suspension clause. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Atatiana Jefferson's death highlights a long history of police violence in Fort Worth, and the community says it's time for a 'reckoning'

Atatiana Jefferson was shot and killed by Fort Worth police officer Aaron Dean. Her death was the sixth fatal police shooting in the city since June. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Murderer who triggered Hong Kong protests will go to Taiwan: pastor

A man who inadvertently triggered Hong Kong's huge protests after he murdered his girlfriend in Taiwan has agreed to return to the island to face justice, a clergyman who has visited him in prison said on Friday. Chan Tong-kai, 20, is wanted in Taiwan for the murder of his pregnant girlfriend during a holiday the two Hong Kongers took there in February last year. The case triggered an ill-fated proposal by Hong Kong's pro-Beijing government to ram through a sweeping extradition bill which would have allowed the city to extradite suspects to any territory, including the authoritarian mainland. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

A woman sues San Antonio after a police officer pulled out her tampon in public

The city of San Antonio will vote this week on a proposed settlement that would award a woman $205,000, after she accused a police officer of inappropriately searching her and pulling out her tampon in public. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Nancy Pelosi took a photo that Trump tweeted to accuse her of having a 'meltdown' and made it her cover photo

The photo was taken at a meeting after the House voted to condemn the US withdrawal from Syria. Pelosi also said the president had a "meltdown." from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

The Latest: Woman denies link to Alabama child abduction

A woman described as a person of interest in the abduction of a 3-year-old Alabama girl is denying any involvement. Attorneys for 29-year-old Derick Irisha Brown of Birmingham released a statement Friday saying she had no role in the kidnapping and hopes for the safe return of Kamille "Cupcake" McKinney. Brown and a man were arrested earlier this week after being described as persons of interest in the child's abduction from a birthday party last weekend. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Mexicans Outraged After Cornered Son of ‘El Chapo’ Released

(Bloomberg) -- The decision by Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador’s security cabinet to release the captured son of the world’s most notorious drug lord left him struggling to contain the damage amid public outrage.AMLO, as the president is known, said the government took the decision after Mexican forces were overpowered Thursday as they attempted to take in Ovidio Guzman Lopez, son of Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. The son is said to have taken over some criminal operations from his father. The confrontation, which left eight dead, occurred in Culiacan, the capital of the western state of Sinaloa.His public security minister, Alfonso Durazo, admitted that the operation to capture Guzman Lopez was a failure. Reporters peppered him with questions at a news conference in Culiacan, asking if he would resign. Durazo deflected, suggesting that he could do so if the moment arrives when he decides he no longer can contribute to securing peace in the nation.“The government clearly look