
Hundreds of thousands march for democracy in latest Hong Kong protest against China

Heavy rain failed to keep hundreds of thousands of protesters from swarming Hong Kong streets Sunday to rally against the Beijing government. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Epstein died by suicide using his jail bed sheet while his guards slept, according to report

While in federal custody at the Metropolitan Correctional Center, Jeffrey Epstein used his jail bed sheet to commit suicide. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Gibraltar rejects US pressure; lets Iranian oil tanker set sail

Gibraltar rejected a U.S. request to continue holding an Iranian supertanker detained on suspicion of attempting to breach global sanctions on Syria. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Israel's interior minister says Rep. Tlaib's request to visit her grandmother was 'provocative'

President Trump suggests there was a 'setup' after Rep. Rashida Tlaib rejects Israel's invite as he praises the country for acting 'appropriately.' from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Bullock tries to find middle ground on guns

As a Democratic politician in deep-red Montana, Steve Bullock has long searched for a middle ground on guns. Now a presidential candidate in a party pushing hard for new gun-control laws, he still is. While many of his Democratic opponents go all-in on new proposals for restricting guns, responding to the latest string of mass shootings, Bullock is the rare voice of caution warning Democrats about going too far. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Portland police arrest 13 as far-right and antifa protesters face off

Police arrested at least 13 people and seized metal poles, bear spray and other weapons on Saturday as hundreds of far-right protesters and anti-fascist counter-demonstrators swarmed downtown Portland, Oregon. Authorities closed bridges and streets to try to keep the rival groups apart. They were largely successful. "This was a dynamic event with demonstrators frequently moving from one part of the city to another," Mayor Ted Wheeler said at an evening news conference. As of early afternoon, most of the right-wing groups had left the area via a downtown bridge. Police used officers on bikes and in riot gear to keep black-clad, helmet- and mask-wearing anti-fascist protesters - known as antifa - from following them. But hundreds of people remained downtown and on nearby streets, and there were skirmishes throughout the day. Police declared a gathering of mostly left-wing protesters near Pioneer Courthouse Square a "civil disturbance" and told people to leave. Hundred

New York City subway scare suspect taken into police custody

A homeless man from West Virginia faced charges Saturday for allegedly placing two devices that looked like pressure cookers in a New York City subway station, forcing an evacuation and snarling the morning commute, police said. Larry Kenton Griffin II, of Bruno, West Virginia, was awaiting arraignment late Saturday in Manhattan's central booking after he was released from a New York hospital where he was being treated and under observation. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Nancy Pelosi warns cuts in foreign aid could jeopardize budget deal

In a letter to Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Pelosi warned that such a package could be approved only by Congress. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Israel’s Snub of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib Is a Gift for the BDS Movement

Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call/GettyWhen the government of Israel blocked Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) from entering the country over their support of a movement to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel, it may have been a public blow to the two lawmakers—but a gift for the BDS movement. The activists who support the controversial strategy to isolate the Jewish state quickly seized on the move as proof that the Israeli government is fearful their movement is gathering steam. They also held it up as further proof for their argument that Israel is a discriminatory state with undemocratic tendencies—one that just bowed to pressure from President Trump, who has openly waged war on the recently elected congresswomen.This week could prove to be a defining juncture for BDS and the broader protest movement against Israel, said Stefanie Fox, deputy director of Jewish Voice for Peace, a Jewish-American advocacy group that favors BDS. “This is a moment that is an opportunity and an

UK strips citizenship from dual national 'Jihadi Jack'

Britain has revoked the citizenship of a dual national Muslim convert to the Islamic State group dubbed "Jihadi Jack" being held in northern Syria, leading Canada to accuse the UK of off-loading its responsibilities. The move targeting Jack Letts, 24, who was a dual UK-Canadian national, has prompted a diplomatic row with Ottawa, Britain's Mail on Sunday reported. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Duke of York pictured inside mansion of convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein

Peering out from behind the 15ft-high solid oak door Prince Andrew is seen to catch himself and check if anyone is watching as he waves goodbye to an attractive brunette. And it may be little surprise that he was concerned that someone might spot him in the doorway of the £63million Manhattan mansion, as it belonged to convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein. A video of the encounter emerged as the Duke of York faced a growing list of questions over this association with the financier who died in prison in an apparent suicide earlier this month. The Duke is seen in the video emerging in the imposing doorway of the New York building which Epstein’s victims have dubbed the “House of Horrors” to chat for a few seconds and then wave goodbye to an unnamed woman. Before he closes the door he peers around it apparently to see if anyone is watching. Less than an hour earlier Epstein had left the house in a thick fur-lined coat in the company of a young blonde woman who was wearing a thin jumper a

Journalist identified as one of the victims killed in plane crash in New Orleans

REPORTER KILLED: Nancy Parker was shooting a story in a stunt plane when it crashed before landing in New Orleans. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Police make arrests as right-wing, anti-fascist groups rally in Portland

A rally by hundreds of supporters of the right-wing Proud Boys organization was met by a similar number of "antifa" opponents, and isolated clashes broke out between both sides and between antifa and police as the gathering wrapped up. At the peak of the demonstrations there were an estimated 1,200 protesters on the streets of the downtown district, said Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw. Charges against those in custody would include disorderly conduct, interfering with police, resisting arrest, and unlawful use of a weapon, she said at a news conference. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

More than 40 charged in federal court from Mississippi ICE raid, but no company officials

So far, more than 40 arrest warrants have been filed in federal court resulting from the Aug. 7 immigration raid. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

13 Apple Watch bands to get on Amazon - CNET

From stainless steel to silicone, there's an Apple Watch band for every purpose. from CNET via Mobiles

Spider-Man: Far From Home is Sony Pictures' highest-grossing film of all time - CNET

That Marvel-Sony deal helps the webslinger knock super-spy James Bond from the top spot. from CNET via Mobiles

Samsung Galaxy Note10+: first Exynos 9825 benchmarks

The Exynos 9825 is the industry's first chipset built on a 7nm Extreme UltraViolet (EUV) process. Its predecessor, the 8nm Exynos 9820, as well as TSMC's 7nm offerings are built on Deep UltraViolet (DUV) process, but that has run out of steam. In the future, foundries will use EUV to drop below 7nm - 5nm chips are already on their roadmaps. So, Samsung Galaxy Note10+'s is just a proving ground for the new technology and is only a minor improvement over the 9820 chip inside the Galaxy S10+. Samsung claims that it has raised the clock speed of the GPU, but doesn't say how much. The CPU... from - Latest articles via IFTTT

Fears in US of bad peace deal with the Taliban

An Afghanistan peace agreement that the US seems close to reaching with the Taliban has prompted worries that President Donald Trump's desire to quickly withdraw US troops could further plunge the country into civil war. Trump said Friday he was pleased with talks on ending the war, 18 years after the September 11, attacks that prompted the US invasion of Afghanistan in the first place. In recent days several US officials have suggested that an accord could be imminent in discussions with the Taliban in Qatar. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News

Epstein allowed to buy small women’s underwear in jail, records reveal

Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was allowed to buy small women’s underwear while serving a jail sentence for soliciting a minor for prostitution, official records have revealed.Mr Epstein, a wealthy financier with links to the higher ranks of US society, hung himself in his cell in Manhattan after he was arrested last month and pleaded not guilty to federal charges of sex trafficking involving dozens of underage girls as young as 14.Before his arrest on 6 July 2018, Mr Epstein served another 13 months in custody in Florida in 2008-2009 after a state court found him guilty of soliciting a minor for prostitution.But during that jail term, he was allowed to purchase female underwear that would not fit an average adult woman, the Miami Herald revealed after examining records obtained from the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office.During his time in custody in Florida between 30 June 2008 and 22 July 2009, Mr Epstein benefited from a generous work-release programme that allowed him to w

Man charged after New York scare over rice cookers

A young homeless man has been charged with placing false bombs, police said Saturday, after three empty rice cookers caused major commuter disruption in New York. Larry K. Griffin II, 26, was arrested by the New York Police Department and charged with three counts of placing a false bomb, according to a statement released Saturday. Parts of the city were alerted for two hours Friday morning as three suspicious objects were found: two near the World Trade Centre in the Fulton Street subway station, and one in the Chelsea district further north. from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines via Latest News